The Hard Rock Shed
Extreme Digital Photography
Pre-Order Information - Event Photos 2 Go
Please fill in all that you know at this time.
Name of person(s) in charge of event::
Estimated number of people at event:
E-mail address:
Home phone number:
Home address:
Specific date and time requested of event:
Location of Event:
Estimated total number of finished products needed:
Mini Frames (2x3) 3x4 Key Chains
3x5 Buttons/Magnets 5x7
4x6 Video Other
On-line photo album:
Estimated number of photos for on-line album:
Wording on photos or other requests or special instructions:
I will notify you with an estimated total cost of your package based on the information above.
50% of estimated total required to reserve your date of event. Remainder due upon arrival at event.
Any questions please call 507-398-5235