The following is a list of 30 countries the State Department says

are members of a "Coalition for the Immediate Disarmament of Iraq":

     As of 3-17-03


    *    Afghanistan

    *    Albania

    *    Australia

    *    Azerbaijan

    *    Bulgaria

    *    Colombia

    *    Czech Republic

    *    Denmark

    *    El Salvador

    *    Eritrea

    *    Estonia

    *    Ethiopia

    *    Georgia

    *    Hungary

    *    Italy

    *    Japan (post conflict)

    *    Korea

    *    Latvia

    *    Lithuania

    *    Macedonia

    *    Netherlands

    *    Nicaragua

    *    Philippines

    *    Poland

    *    Romania

    *    Slovakia

    *    Spain

    *    Turkey

    *    United Kingdom

    *    United States of America

    *    Uzbekistan